Tuesday 5 April 2011

Conspiracy or "Pro"-spiracy

So brent crude hit $130 per barrel and we once again have to pay a ludacris amount for fuel with the usual increase in everything else to go with it.

My conspiracy theory is probably not new or original but I need to explain it in order to get to the flip side of the coin, so here it is: Rebels in the Middle-East are funded by the oil magnates. Instability makes the oil price go up while production costs stay the same and therefore making profits sky rocket. The best thing about this is that the very public that is bearing the brunt of these increases is supporting the rebels and would approve funding and helping the rebels "overthrow" the dictators that are currently in charge.

We've heard it all before. It's a circular argument and I've already bored you with to much details. So next comes the flip side.

Turning a con into a pro.

The "pro"-spiracy theory is that the quicker the rest of the world stops using fossil fuels the better. This will enable them to completely withdraw from these god forsaken places and let these countries rot in their ignorance. That's a bit harsh I suppose. Would it not be a quick-fix though?
The only way that alternative fuel sources will become viable is if the cost is lower than current fuel prices. The easiest (maybe not the best) way to do that is to force higher fossil fuel prices. Suddenly alternatives are cheaper. Suddenly everybody wants an electric (just an example of the many alternative fuel sources) car. Suddenly electric transport is more affordable thereby saving the planet and civilization.

This is my "pro"-spiracy theory. It's probably a BS theory but wouldn't it be nice to "believe" that the powers that be are the good guys?

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